SWGY, Inc. offers website hosting. For most cases, hosting is $25 per month. The websites I build strive for minimal JavaScript - zero in most cases, no third-party services, and no hotloading of assets. These goals reduce the amount of information that is shared with advertisers regarding your website’s visitors. When you allow me to guide your technology and design choices, you can be sure you will have a website that is extremely fast to load, usable on even the most constrained devices, and safe for your visitors.
We offer WordPress hosting for users that need the WordPress experience.
SWGY WordPress installations run in a secure environment. As long as you keep your credentials safe and your plugins up to date, everything is great! For users with more basic needs, the SWGY, Inc., website style is recommended:
Some examples of the style employed by SWGY, Inc. Take note of the time it takes for the website to load from an incognito / private tab. Take a look at the page source. Compare this with your current hosting environment.
Website | URL | Description |
The Canopy | https://www.the-canopy.org | Veteran Paratrooper publication |
RIS | https://www.ris-sec.com | Cybersecurity consultancy |
504th PIR Association | https://www.devilbrigade.org | 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment association |
82nd Airborne Division Association | https://82.sw.gy | 82nd National Association Website |
These websites built are proudly built without:
Want to join this list? Get in touch!
JavaScript is a dynamic programming language supported by all major browsers. Unfortunately, JavaScript has found as many avenues for ill as for good. To protect themselves from these maladies, browsers can be configured to refuse to run JavaScript. This can lead to errors or loss of functionality in some websites - but not this one!
By disabling JavaScript, you can be sure there is no malware or unwanted software running because you visited a webpage.
Many website are built using “tracking pixels” and embedding interactions such as “liking”, “favorite-ing”, or “star-ing” from social media sites. These technologies are used to track visitors as they stop by the website, logging the time, device, location, and anything else accessible in a profile about the visitor. All of this just because your website visitor wanted to learn more about you! Unacceptable!
The tradeoff is visibility on visitors. This website cannot confidently say, “we get 1,000 unique visitors per month - more than 134 from the state of Delaware!”
This is an acceptable trade.
Cookies are pieces of text information a website asks your browser to store so it can later retrieve it. Sounds simple enough. As with everything on the web, this has been bent and abused to form a durable and malicious tracking system.
This website does not need to store anything about you, dear visitor. This website is to provide information, not collect it.
Websites are built using a number of resources - text, images, fonts, and scripts (no scripts here though!). These resources can be served from the same webserver that sends you the text, or they can be “hot loaded” from a third party. This means the web page loads and then says, “hey, grab these images from this other server over here, and grab the fonts from this other place over here, and grab this script from yet another server.” This leads to slower load times caused by increased round-trips to the network. Additionally, the third party servers are informed about your visit and the asset you are requesting. This can provide some coarse-level tracking data to that server.
This website serves all of its assets from its own servers. No third party is required for anything.
Additional details about how your data is handled can be found in the privacy policy.
Interested? Get in touch!