Privacy Policy


Personal information provided through the forms on this website is provided voluntarily. The provided data is transmitted through a secured communications channel with an “A” rating from SSL Labs and stored temporarily on our servers. The data is encrypted at rest using industry-best encryption algorithms and full-disk encryption. The physical server and disk drives are owned and maintained by SWGY, Inc. The facility in which the hardware operates is secured by locks and biometric entry devices with camera surveillance covering all areas of the data center floor. Sign-in logs are maintained to record any entries into the data center. Our data center staff are unable to read any information on these disks. In the event of hardware replacement or disposal, you can rest easy knowing any stored data is inaccessible.

At a regular cadence, the provided form submission data is sent along to the adminstrative staff for processing. It is transmitted to them using a secured communication channel requiring authentication. Submissions that have been shared with the administrative staff are purged from our servers on a regular cadence. Fourteen days after a set of form submission data has been shared, it is removed from our servers. We allow this two-week window to account for vacations or illness among the small number of administrative staff.

Information Sharing

Data you submit through forms on this website is disclosed only to SWGY, Inc. adminstrative staff. No third-parties are granted access to your information.

Information Deletion

If you want to have your data deleted, just wait 18 days. This is a shorter amount of time than required by any relevant regulation:

  1. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) requires a response to a request be made within one month and the request is handled within three months;
  2. The state of California’s California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) requires a response to a request within 45 calendar days with an option to extend that deadline by another 45 days (to a total of 90 days) if you are notified of the extension;
  3. The state of Colorado’s Colorado Privacy Act does not apply to entities processing less than 100,000 consumers data per calendar year and allows the same 45 day + 45 day window as the CCPA;
  4. The state of Connecticut’s Connecticut Personal Data Privacy and Online Monitoring Act also copies CCPA and uses a 45 day + 45 day window for processing requests;
  5. The state of Utah’s Utah Consumer Privacy Act also copies the CCPA 45 day + 45 day window; and
  6. The state of Virginia’s Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act also copies the CCPA language and 45 day + 45 day window.



Cookies are pieces of information a website can ask your web browser to store on your computer. These often have telemetry about you baked into them and will be used to track you across time and space. After the GDPR was enacted, websites were required to disclose how these cookies were used. The most noticeable effect from this is “accept cookies” dialogs thrown at you from every website. This website does not ask you to accept the required cookies, the optional cookies, the tracking cookies, or the fun-sized cookies. This website does not use cookies. We have no interest in tracking you from one visit to the next - this website is a pamphlet. A pamphlet should not reach out and put something in your pocket and ask you to hold onto it for later.

Copyright 2024 SWGY, Inc.
privacy policy